Payment Methods

Available payment methods for products in form of prepayment to store bank account indicated in terms & conditions:

– Przelewy24 in accordance with terms and regulations on this website (the list of supported banks and executions times are available on

- Bank account transfer: Santander 12 1090 2590 0000 0001 4367 5017

Details: Pułapa Studio, Majdan Stary 120, 23-414 Majdan Stary

Shipping costs and delivery time

  1. The goods are sent to provided address in the filling form or provided by phone or e-mail. The store will inform the customer immediately about an incorrectly completed order form, which prevents or may delay the shipment.
  2. The goods are delivered by specialized courier companies or via Polis Post.
  3. The order will be sent within 3 to a maximum of 6 weeks (plus courier delivery). 
  4. The customer is charged for delivery (shipping) specified in the transport price list. The customer can see the price list after adding the product to Cart.
  5. Delivery cost depends on the selected payment method and delivery method. Shipping costs according to the supplier’s list are available on the website